2018 Action Group
SonRise Shelter
SonRise Shelter is a faith-based, nonprofit that provides a solution-based ministry to the unhoused community of north-west Houston. With a holistic approach to their services, their Emergency Shelter Program addresses a client’s most immediate and basic needs of food, shelter and clothing. Then, their 90 day Empowerment Program provides clients with educational, emotional, economic and spiritual guidance, along with support based on their client’s individual circumstances. And, their Social Services program helps connect clients to other partner agencies for additional resources and comprehensive care.
How was Village Heights able to partner with SonRise Shelter?
SonRise Shelter is located in an area of our city with a large population of individuals experiencing homelessness. Over the years, this place has served as a safe haven for Houston's unhoused community. Village Heights connected with SonRise Shelter in response to an individual client’s need for transportation to the shelter. After touring their facility, Village Heights learned about the devastating effects to their space left by flooding from Hurricane Harvey.
The storm damage and disrepair had forced SonRise Shelter to close ⅔ of their space, discontinue services, and operate at minimal capacity. At Village Heights we believe in being service oriented, action committed and socially responsible. During our 2018 project, we put these beliefs into ACTION! We partnered with SonRise Shelter to help initiate their recovery from Hurricane Harvey.
- Redesigned the layout of their commercial kitchen to ensure long-term efficiency
- Helped repair and install kitchen equipment
- Reimagined and fully stocked their donation room to enable their clients to have a "shopping" experience.
The sweetest highlight from this project was hosting a "Kids Fun Day" for the children from the shelter, the church, and the local community!